Domain names

Pointing to domains is Shipnix is done via the NixOS configuration.

First, point the domain to the server.

You can add an A record to the public IP on your server.

If you manage your domain via DigitalOcean, you can automatically find your droplet.

Otherwise, just for example point an A record with the domain or subdomain you want to the public IP found on your server dashboard.

Declare the domain in the NixOS configuration

Here is a code snippet that contains nginx configuration.

Look for services.nginx.virtualHosts in your NixOS configuration and replace "localhost" key in this example to your domain like this:

# ...
services.nginx.virtualHosts = {
- "localhost" = {
+ "" = {
serverAliases = [];
enableACME = httpsEnabled;
forceSSL = httpsEnabled;
locations = {
"/" = {
proxyPass = "http://localhost:8000";
proxyWebsockets = true;
extraConfig =
"proxy_ssl_server_name on; proxy_pass_header Authorization;"

You can also add more A records and add them to serverAliases options.

# ...
services.nginx.virtualHosts = {
"" = {
- serverAliases = [ ];
+ serverAliases = [ "" "" "" ];
enableACME = httpsEnabled;
forceSSL = httpsEnabled;
locations = {
"/" = {
proxyPass = "http://localhost:8000";
proxyWebsockets = true;
extraConfig =
"proxy_ssl_server_name on; proxy_pass_header Authorization;"


After making the changes in configuration.nix, push and deploy.

Be prepared that it can take around 24-48 hours (usually less) for the domain name to propagate.

Next steps

After your domain has propagated, you should also add https with LetsEncrypt.